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College Counseling

“Meet the Counselors!”

Fayston Counseling Department envisions all students to hear the good news, know their identity in God, and matriculate to colleges that foster their full potential.

The Fayston College Counseling Team presents strategic vision for the college bound students and leads the college search and application process. Through 'FPS Counseling Strategies,' we will inspire students to seek the life's mission and to find the "best fit" university. Fayston stresses bringing out the core values of our students. We treasure students' identities and their voices.

We want to guide all students to unearth their beliefs and how they wish to serve and influence humankind. Once their calling and worldview are uncovered, we aim to motivate each student to meet the requirements of interested universities in order to facilitate a successful outcome. Through bespoke consultation and proper motivation, we believe students will be fully prepared to pursue their college aspirations.

Headmaster / Head of C.C
Daniel K. Paxitzis
Director of C.C
Ms. Sohyun Jung
College Counselor
Ms. Ki Kim
College Counselor
Ms. Rachel Han
College Counselor
Mr. James Smith

Fayston College Counseling at a Glance

  • College Counseling Orientation

  • College Counseling Seminar

  • College Counseling Class

  • College Fair, Workshop, Seminar

  • 1:1 Individualized College
    Admission & Essay Consulting

  • 1:1 Individualized Pathway

  • Coffee with College Counselors

  • College Counseling with Alumni Conference

  • Eagle Project


University Acceptances

College Counseling NEWS

1st CCC of Spring 2022: Tues April 26th 10:00 am via Live Zoom

College Counseling 2022-04-14 Number of views 1,022
04.14.2022 College Counseling Dept.

작년에 첫 시작한 Coffee with College Counselors(CCC)가 올해도 돌아왔습니다!

4월부터 6월까지 한달에 한번 3번에 걸쳐 학부모님들과 칼리지 카운슬러가 직접 소통하고 입시의 팁을 나누고자 합니다. 이번에도 현 12학년들을 초대해 인터뷰를 진행하고 저희 칼리지 카운슬러와 학부모님들과의 Live Q&A를 진행하려 합니다. 올해 첫 4월 26일 CCC는 이효건, 조유경, 우예인, 이지현, 신재원 학생과 교장선생님의 인터뷰로 진행됩니다.

그동안 궁금하셨던 입시의 노하우나 전략에 대해 궁금하신 고등학교 학부모님들께서는 참석하시어 함께 소통했으면 좋겠습니다. 그럼 커피나 차 한잔씩 준비해주시고, Zoom에서 오전 10시에 뵙도록 하겠습니다.

PS. Live Q&A때는 개인적인 질문은 따로 개인 상담으로 문의해주시기 바랍니다.이메일 문의: kang.dasom@faystonsuji.org)

대상: 고등학교 학부모님들
참여 학생: 이효건, 조유경, 우예인, 이지현, 신재원 with PD
날짜: 4월 26일 화요일
시간: 오전 10 ~11 시 (Live)
장소: Zoom https://us05web.zoom.us/j/5045452730?pwd=ZTE4akpnSE9BYTEwYithRG5JSW11dz09 (ID: 504 545 2730)