HS Graduation Requirements

At Fayston, we highly value individualized learning, and our graduation requirements only require some of the most basic fundamentals while other elements can be modified and changed based on the specific needs of the individual student.

To successfully complete their graduation requirements students are required to have taken 22.0 credits over 4 years of high school. This calculation is based on 1.0 credit courses per academic year, and 0.5 credit given to a half-time courses per academic year.

To discuss specific graduation requirements, please consult a College Counselor.

HS Graduation Requirements
English  4.0 4 All 4 ELA Courses Taken (or ELL as an alternative)
Mathematics  4.0 4 Geometry & Algebra 2
Science 3.0 3 Biology & Chemistry
Social Studies  3.0 3 1 Year of World History (or World History variant)
Christian Theology  2.0 4 4 Christian Theology Courses
Korean Language & Culture  0.5 1 Grade 10 Korean Literature & History is mandatory
World Languages  1.0 2
Physical Education  1.0 2 Grade 9 Health Course is mandatory
Visual & Performing Arts  1.0 2
REMAINING CREDITS 2.5 Equivalent to 5 half-time courses over 4 years

* Certain courses have their requirements based on the number of years taken: English, Mathematics, Christian Theology, World Languages, etc.

* Some courses have their requirements based on the amount of credits/number of courses taken: Science, Social Studies, Physical education, etc.

* ‘Support’ Classes do not count towards graduation credits, but are given exemption in total graduation credit count, and therefore do not affect the ability to graduate.

* Students are not required to take additional ‘ELECTIVE’ courses (i.e half-time courses) to fulfil their total credit amount, and instead choose to take additional full-time courses that may be available.

II. HS Curriculum At A Glance

HS Curriculum At A Glance
  • English Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Christian Theology
  • Korean Language & Culture
  • Physical Education
  • Visual Arts
  • Performing Arts (Music & Drama)
  • Chinese
  • Spanish
  • ELL (English Language Learners)
  • Social Emotional Learning

III. HS Curriculum Standards

HS Curriculum Standards
High School Curriculum Standards
Subjects Standards
All Subjects Common Core
ELA Common Core
Math Common Core
Science Next Generation
Social Studies NCSS C3 Framework
Visual Arts National Core Arts Standard
Performing Arts  <National Core Arts Standard
Korean 한국어 교육과정 (교육부)
Physical Education SHAPE America National Standards