Intensive Language Course (ELL)

Fayston Preparatory Junior High offers an intensive language course (ELL) for students that need extra language support. However, the goal of the ELL is to have the students fully integrate into the regular English-only classes, which are operated in a total immersion setting, within one or two semesters.
The need and the placement into this program is determined during the admission's process, as well as during the academic year as the need arises.

Goals & Objectives

The goal of the intensive language course is to help beginner English learners develop the language skills necessary to be successful students and members of the global society.
The following objectives help reinforce this goal:


School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a systematic approach in teaching behavioral expectations throughout the school. It is based on a proactive model to establish a healthy framework for creating and sustaining safe and effective schools.